According to statistics around 10,000 children are in foster care on a yearly basis in the state of Florida. In Brevard County 400 children are currently in foster care, and another 500 children are in kinship care.
The space coast brings so many opportunities to explore beyond your wildest dreams, but also the chance to make a unique impact that will last a lifetime for a child in foster care.
Brevard Family Partnership is the lead child-welfare agency in the county under contract by the Department of Children and Families to provide the management of foster care, adoption and independent living services.
All children in the county that have been separated from their biological families due to abuse, neglect or abandonment are cared for by BFP until their family situation is resolved and they can return home safely.
As the county continues to grow so do the needs of children in care and that’s why BFP launched its UFO (Unique Foster Opportunity) campaign to increase the number of families that are part of the foster care community in Brevard. They currently have 135 licensed foster homes but hope to increase that to over 160 licensed homes in the next year.

Phil Scarpelli, the President and CEO joined BFP with 30 years of experience working in behavioral healthcare and child welfare. He’s seen the nonprofit double in workforce as members of the community realize how vital it is to give parents a chance to grow while their children are in a safe home.
“This whole journey, no matter where you sit at the table, it’s all about the relationship,” Scarpelli said. “When there is a relationship, then there’s a potential for bonding that’s often lifelong. Foster parents today, unlike decades ago, are a major part in the reunification process by helping moms and dads realize that while they’re getting help, their child is being cared for and loved.”
These are the first steps in making a difference that will last a lifetime:
- Download the information packet here:
- Answer questionnaire
- Get fingerprints and background check results
- Attend the Prospective Foster Parent training
Who’s eligible to become a foster parent:
- Anyone who’s at least 21 years old
- Married or single
- Renting or owning
- Financially stable
- Committed to loving and nurturing a child in your home
- Willing to work in partnership with everyone involved in the child’s life to meet the child’s needs
- Dedicated to helping a child reunify with their biological family
- In attendance at all required training sessions
- Able to physically accommodate children in your home
Brevard Family Partnership trains prospective foster parents with the required state curriculum and after the training and home assessment, the Department of Children and Families are the ones who issue the Foster Care licensing.
For those interested in attending a prospective foster care training program, BFP will be holding training on Tuesday and Thursday starting September 26th and for the first time ever, they will be holding a morning training beginning on Friday October 6th.
The impact you make today in the life of a child will last a lifetime. “How much I thought I was going to make an impact on a child and today I realize how much the life of that child has impacted me, My relentless efforts are to address the needs of children that would not otherwise be,” said Scarpelli.
For those that have become foster parent like the Jarman Family they have found that caring for children has brought them joy as they’ve seen the impact it’s made to give them a loving home.
“A lot of times, the one thing I’d hear from people is they couldn’t do this because they’d get too attached,” Jarman said. “To that I would say, we have a huge community here full of people willing to help. To be honest, it’s not about us, it’s about the kids. They need that attachment, so it’s about putting them above ourselves and doing it for them.
For those interested in learning more please visit:
You can also contact the BFP Team via email:
Brevard Family Partnership wants you to close out the year in a very special way. By opening your heart and home this year you will change the life of a child in #fostercare. To get more information and download the initial packet click here: